City Of Humboldt, IA

City Council Minutes

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2011 City Council Minutes

Older City Council Minutes

City Council documents, such as Council Minutes, Ordinances, and Resolutions, are digitized and saved on a public database called Radix. If you would like to search for a document, below are some basic directions on how to navigate the Radix site. If you have any questions while perusing documents, feel free to call City Hall at 332-3435 for help. 

Step 1:

Click "Search Criteria" to go to the search page

Step 2:

Enter a date range, or type of document then click search.



Step 3:

You will see a list of documents; double click on the document you wish to see to open it.

Step 4:

Use the icons at the top of the screen to print, navigate between the previous and next documents in the search results, scale the size of the document to zoom in or out, or navigate between pages in the document.




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