City Of Humboldt, IA

Spring Clean Up

March 28, 2023

Junk Pickup - May 1
Burn Day - April 15
Brush Pickup - April 24

Junk pickup will be Monday May 1, 2023 -
 Everything must be out be out by 6:00 am that day to be eligible for pickup. Only one load per household. Please no items that can fit into a household trash bag, liquids, tires, batteries, wire, hazardous materials or construction/demolition materials (i.e. drywall, insulation, etc.) All appliances require a special sticker (can be purchased at City Hall for $10) and will be picked up separately from other items. It is the responsibility of the property owner to dispose of anything that is left after clean up is complete.

Yard waste burn day will be Saturday April 15, 2022. Burning is allowed between 8:00 am & 6:00 pm. All fires must be constantly attended with a hose nearby. Burning is not allowed on City property including street right of ways. 

Brush pickup will be Monday April 24, 2023. Brush is limited to branches up to 7 feet in length and 6 inches in diameter. They must be placed close to the curb and away from sign posts and other things that might hinder the pick up. Limited to one truck load per residence.

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