Water & Wastewater Departments
The City of Humboldt currently contracts out water and sewer maintenance services to PeopleService. PeopleService operates the water and wastewater plants, as well as reading meters, responding to line breaks, and the day to day customer service. If you have a water or sewer emergency, call City Hall at 515-332-3435 during the hours of 8am-5pm. After these hours or on weekends, call either the Law Enforcement Center at 515-332-2600 or PeopleService at 877-774-4311.
Utility Bills:
Utility bills are mailed out on the first of every month and are due on the 15th. Water, sewer, landfill, and garbage charges are included in the utility bills. Meters are read monthly. Residents can pay their bills by bringing a check to City Hall, putting it in the drop box, online, or automatically withdrawing from a checking or savings account. If you would like to sign up for automatic withdrawal or have any questions you can stop in to City Hall.
For the current utility billing rates and a more in-depth description of each section on your bill, click here.
2023 Water Quality Report
For further information please continue to scroll or click the links to read more. Water Plant, Wastewater, Water Distribution System, Wastewater Collection System & Irrigation Meters.
Water Plant:
The Humboldt Water Plant was constructed in 1932, and remodeled in 1988 and 2012. Treatment included a lime softening process. The water capacity is 1 million gallons with an average consumption of 0.6 million gallons per day. The City of Humboldt obtains its water through two sources. One source being a self-flowing spring located on the property that was constructed in the 1960's and the other being from a well constructed in 1973, that is located in Hampson Hill Side Park. The City of Humboldt does participate in fluoridation which is a Public Health initiative to help with teeth protection.
The City of Humboldt Wastewater Treatment Facility was constructed in 1999 and will be remodeled in the upcoming years of 2022-2024. The plant is currently rated for 1.8 MGD average wet weather flow with a max flow of 2.7 MGD. All the flow from town is diverted through one main lift station where it is pumped to the plant located on Gotch Park Road. The wastewater is screened and diverted to two 830,000 gallon aeration basins. Following aeration the water flows to two 205,000 gallon clarifiers before being sent to the UV disinfection system (installed in 2009). The treated wastewater is discharged into the West Branch of the Des Moines River.
When large rain events occur and the plant's influent flow is exceeded there is a 3 million gallon equalization basin on site that allows for equalization of the flows. During the upcoming upgrade, the plant will go through multiple updates such as pump replacements, blower replacements, SCADA/PLC updates, and nutrient reduction improvements to remove nitrogen and phosphorus.
Water Distribution System:
The City of Humboldt currently has 39 miles of water mains, ranging in size from 2" to 16". There are currently 233 fire hydrants and 501 valves located throughout the system. The City of Humboldt has taken a proactive approach to system improvements with valve and hydrant replacements.
Wastewater Collection System:
The City of Humboldt currently has 5 lift stations located throughout the community. Each lift station has a backup generator for emergency power. There are currently 38 miles of sanitary sewer mains ranging in sizes from 8" to 24" and 600 manholes. The City of Humboldt currently owns its own Jet-Vac Combination Truck which its employees use to conduct annual maintenance on the collection system as well as a televising camera which is used to diagnose issues within the sanitary & storm sewer system.
Irrigation Meters:
Irrigation meters are available to measure water usage outside a residence or business when such water is not discharged into the public sewer system. The water used is metered, and normal water rates apply, EXCEPT that the minimum is $14.61 per month. The owner is responsible for the purchase and installation of an irrigation meter which must be inspected by the City employees before use. For a complete list of policies for irrigation meters or any questions please visit city hall.